Bill Gates at Davos World Economic Forum 2008 video

There was a lot of press last week about Bill Gates’ session “A New Approach to Capitalism in the 21st Century ” at the World Economic Forum 2008 in Davos, Switzerland but few if any of which had linked to the YouTube video of the whole session. It’s just one of the many great sessions at Davos this year, on top of the very inspiring “The Davos Question” videos. If you have a spare 30 minutes, check out what Bill has to say about the role of economics in the 21st Century.

At around the 2-minute mark, Bill once again makes fun of himself leaving the full-time position at Microsoft. “As you all may know, in July I’ll make a big career change. I’m not worried; I believe I’m still marketable. I’m a self-starter, I’m proficient in Microsoft Office. I guess that’s it.”

If Bill’s speaking pace makes you unsettled, you can read the transcript yourself here.

8 insightful thoughts

  1. “As you all may know, in July I’ll make a big career change. I’m not worried; I believe I’m still marketable. I’m a self-starter, I’m proficient in Microsoft Office. I guess that’s it.”

  2. “Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen
    If in ze twenty second sentury
    A book will be vritten
    Aboutsie ontopreneur of ze twentyfirst sentury
    I’m sure .. or even of ze twentieth sentury
    I’m sure, zat ze person who will foremost come to ze mind of zoze historians is sertainly Bill Gates.”

  3. Приветствую всех!
    У меня такой вопрос,кто что интересное подскажет буду признателен.
    Мы с друзьями собираемся поехать в круиз по просторам России и ближнего зарубежья месяца на два на своих машинах,но не как не можем согласовать маршрут,если у кого уже был опыт такого путешествия,может,что посоветуете.Девчонок с собой не берем,думаем,что во все городах России с этим не будет проблем,если у кого будут рекомендации и в вопросе отдыха с девушками тоже буду признателен.

    С уважением Сеньчик

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